Craving Confidence? Compete In A Beauty Pageant!

Every woman wants to have that fearless edge and envious aura about them. Naturally, as females we crave approval from the public eye. A certain satisfaction comes along with being the best you that you can be. How might one achieve this you ask? The answer is simple – Sign up for your next local beauty pageant!

Take it from a girl who refused to attend her kindergarten graduation, being up on stage is not all that bad! Although conquering the fear of stage fright can be a huge challenge, the result of doing so is an even larger reward.

In typical pageantry there are three levels of competition – swimsuit, evening gown, and interview. All of which are perfect sharpeners for the inner goddess that each of us has inside. I think that any woman who makes plans to be judged onstage in a swimsuit, will also make plans to attend the gym regularly. She will most likely change her diet up too. After all, there is now a specific reason as to why she would live the healthier life style that she always intended on.

Not only are you motivated to be in the best shape physically, but mentally as well! Going into a pageant it is crucial that the contestant knows exactly who they are and what they stand for. In the interview portion of the competition, you are required to give a brief speech about what you represent as a women in this world. Therefore, preparing for a pageant, a great deal of soul searching is necessary. In the process of this, you will realize all of the fabulous traits that you posses that you may have overlooked before!

Now, imagine flaunting the most beautiful gown you can find on stage while all eyes in the room follow in admiration. This is what the evening gown competition is like, which is by far the most exciting part. The adrenaline rush associated with this is incomparable to anything else.

Suzy Bootz, International pageant coach and former Mrs. International 2006, once said, “Pageantry is not about being perfect, but about being the most perfect version of yourself.

You see, the key to conquering this pageant thing is simply to have fun! What many do not realize is that it is not about the bouquet of flowers, the sash, or even the crown. It is the moment that you stop looking at the other girls, stop worrying about what everyone is thinking, and just genuinely enjoy yourself.

If you accomplish all of these pointers you will be just as fulfilled in the end as if you were to win the whole thing. You will leave the experience with everlasting pictures, many new friends, and a brand new confidence.

You never know, you just might also go on to become the next Miss USA!