5 Healthy Foods For This Fall

Here are five foods that you should eat this season:

pumpkin_20131. Pumpkin — The meat of the pumpkin is worth having more than one day a year thanks to its high percentage of vitamin A, carotenoids and fiber. But pumpkin seeds shouldn’t be overlooked either. The seeds, a great snack, are concentrated sources of vitamins, fiber, minerals and antioxidants.
2. Brussels sprouts — Brussels sprouts have seen a recent rise in popularity, and that’s a good thing as their buds are exceptionally rich in protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

3. Pears — One of the highest fiber fruits, pears offer about six grams that’ll help you meet your daily requirement of 25 to 30 grams. A high-fiber diet helps to keep your blood sugar level stable, cholesterol levels down, and is linked to heart benefits as well as a reduced risk of certain cancers.

pear_2013 4. Cauliflower — Cauliflower is low in calories with only 26 per 100 grams, and the health benefits are top-notch. It also has a proven antioxidant that helps fight against free radicals while boosting immunity and preventing infections.

5. Sweet potatoes — Sweet potatoes are packed with calcium, potassium and vitamins.’


Source: CNN