Categories: Florida

2000 Year Old Mummy Turns Out To Be Fake

Officials said the dummy had been sprayed with a mysterious chemical that made the bones appear real to experts.

The discovery of ‘The Mummy of Diepholz’ by a 10-year old boy in an attic in the town of Diepholz caused a sensation in Germany. Officials had concluded that the boy’s grandfather had brought the mummy back from travels in North Africa in the 1950s and tucked it away in the storage space.

“I would like to solve the puzzle,” the dentist who owned the house said. “I believe that my father brought this box from a trip to Africa.”

Lutz Gaebler, a Lower Saxony prosecutor who had declared the ‘mummy’ was 2,000 years old, has now admitted that bone X-rays had proven the experts wrong.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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