Tampa Police officers are partnering with state and federal law enforcement officers to make sure children are safe during Halloween. This year, the Florida Department of Parole and Probation and the U.S. Marshals Service will join police officers in making contact with 99 sexual predators within the city. The officers will also ensure that sexual offenders who are not allowed unsupervised contact with children are following the guidelines of their probation. All offenders found in violation of their restrictions will be arrested and transported to the mobile processing unit.
**Remember, there are offenders out there who do not have child contact restrictions. Parents should be aware of all sexual predators and offenders living in their neighborhoods. Police encourage them to check FDLE.State.FL.us Web site for information on offenders/predators and to follow some simple safety tips.
Trick-or-Treaters should:
* always walk on sidewalks, not streets
* look both ways before crossing the street
* not hide or cross the street between parked vehicles
* avoid taking short cuts through backyards and alleys
* wear light-colored or reflective-tape clothing so they are more visible
* add reflective-tape to bikes, skateboards, roller skates and scooters
* plan a route and share it with family
* carry a flashlight
* keep away from open fires and candles, (costumes can be extremely flammable)
* visit homes that have the porch light on
* visit familiar neighborhoods
* accept your treats at the door and never go into a stranger’s house
* throw out candy or treats that are homemade, unwrapped or if they appear to have been tampered with (pinholes in wrappers, torn wrappers, etc.)
* use face paint rather than masks
* be cautious of animals and strangers
* inspect treats before eating and don’t eat candy if the package is already opened, remember small hard pieces of candy can be a choking hazard for young children
* a responsible adult should accompany trick-or-treaters