Will a possible under count provide Trump with a win on Tuesday?
For over a week Republican nominee Donald Trump thinks that he can win because his followers in Florida and around the country are being under counted in the polls the campaign feels. The Trump camp feels that many of those being polled are saying they support another candidate thus keeping Trumps numbers lower because of the under count.
Good read: Here comes a Trump Triumph
He has been gaining on Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, where he has closed the gap to within the margin of error. His team feel like there are many followers, Democrats, Republicans, Independents and new voters that the press simply is not being counted.
Trump followers have been bolstered by the news that the FBI has reopened its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server to send, receive and store government emails has handed Donald Trump. Clearly, the count for Trump has gone up over the past ten days but the camp feels they are still being under counted.
The story that the FBI has obtained a warrant to begin searching newly discovered emails belonging to Huma Abedin, a top aide of Hillary Clinton, with Clinton’s use of emails also in the spotlight.
There is no sign that this new investigation will be completed by election day and it seems that Clinton will have to fight the final week of her campaign with unspecified allegations hanging over her.
This is ideal for Trump who was shown to be as many as 14 points behind Clinton in some polls before this latest scandal.
For him to win he must take all of the states that Mitt Romney won in 2012, plus sweep the key swing states Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, Ohio and Virginia have the power to swing the election. Plus, he needs to flip a key blue state like either Michigan, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.
His team at Trump Tower are counting on the under count to be his path to the White House and by the early morning on Wednesday we will know how many voters will be counted on both sides.