Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd Says His Officers Will ‘Put A Bullet Through Your Head’ If You Attempt A School Shooting



Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd made it crystal clear death awaits school shooters in his jurisdiction.

After the horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas and the abysmal performance by police on the scene, there has been a lot of debate about what we can do to better protect kids. Well, the sheriff down in Florida made it very clear that the only thing waiting for school shooters is a bullet to the head. (RELATED: Photos Surface Of Heroic Border Patrol Agent Who Killed Texas School Shooter)

“This is the last thing you’ll see before we put a bullet through your head if you’re trying to hurt our children. We’re going to shoot you graveyard dead if you come onto a campus with a gun threatening our children or shooting at us,” the Sheriff of Polk County told the press as he held up a photo of armed officers in a video released by his office late Friday afternoon.

You can watch his full comments below.

Yeah, it doesn’t get much more blunt than that. That’s as crystal clear as you could ever hope to make it for the bad guys. If you show up in Polk County looking to hurt kids, his officers will gun you down like the rabid animal you are.

Honestly, we need more of this in America. We need the bad guys to know that bullets fly both ways.

If you want to terrorize our communities, then good guys with guns are going to show up and end your life on the spot. There must be no mercy for the scumbags looking to hurt innocent people.

If you want to get in a gunfight, you better be at peace because hell is waiting for you and a 5.56 round is going to be your first-class ticket.

Major props to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd for not tolerating any of this garbage in his jurisdiction.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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