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A little trick to remember birthdays.

Are the 3 Stooges what really define men and women?

Years ago, comedian Jay Leno made the observation the main difference between men and women was the 3 Stooges, the legendary comedy team.  Leno contended men loved the 3 Stooges, but women hated them.  He said even Albert Einstein would crack up when Curley would say, “Oh, a wise guy eh?” or “Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck.”  Women instead would simply dismiss them as jerks.

Although I agree with Leno’s assessment, I recently came across another distinguishing characteristic separating men from women, and that is how we mark the passage of time.  Whereas women tend to remember the dates when family members were born, men tend to remember the genealogy of the family’s automobiles.  I recently tested this theory on several friends and found it to be surprisingly true.  The women had total recall when it came to the birthdays of family members, but couldn’t remember what they were driving just a couple of years ago.  They could remember the dates of not only their own offspring, but their nieces and nephews as well.  In contrast, men had trouble remembering birthdays but could accurately list the make and model of every car the family ever owned in chronological sequence.  I even had a friend who added up a total of 43 cars in the family, but couldn’t quite remember his kids’ birthdays.  Whereas women found this rather disturbing, men thought it was a fascinating account of the automotive history.

Understanding this distinction between men and women, I think I’ve hit upon a compromise to get both sexes in synch, and that is to simply buy a car when a child is born.  It doesn’t even have to be a new car, it could be used; regardless, men will forever remember the date thereafter.  So that women will remember the automobile, the answer is rather obvious, name the child after the automobile.  I can see it now, instead of naming kids after the latest generation of entertainers like Britney, Lindsay, or Ashley, they would bear proud names like Mercedes, Pontiac, Camry, Kia, etc.  However, I guess we should be grateful we don’t have Edsels, Terraplanes, DeLoreans, DeSotos or
Studebakers anymore; it just wouldn’t sound right.

Keep the Faith!

Tim Bryce: Tim Bryce is a freelance writer and management consultant located in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. As an avid writer and speaker, Tim discusses everything from business and management, to politics and morality, to systems and technology, and our ever changing world.
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