Feature Hillsborough County Commission Candidate Dr. Donna Cameron Cepeda

Dr. Donna Cameron Cepeda – On the issues, in her own words.

Are you happy with the way things have been going in our county and our country? I am running for Hillsborough County Commissioner, District 5, a Countywide seat.

This election will present voters with important choices to make. Our local race will affect our community and our national race that could change the direction of our country.

The leaders we elect will make decisions that affect our daily lives. We must consider the issues we care about and are important and support that candidate.

Here is what I believe:

a). Personal Freedom     b). Fiscal Responsibility                 c). Accountability

Here is what transpired in Tampa during Pandemic Mania from our local political Commissioners

1. During the pandemic and beyond, our local businesses were forced to close. The closures were deemed “temporary”. However, many have not been able to reopen due to financial or employment recruitment issues. Large corporations have remained open. Taking away basic human rights for small business owners to earn a living and provide for their families.

2. Our First Amendment rights were trampled on as churches were forced to close. It was appalling to see a local pastor arrested for keeping his church open. Hillsborough County wanted all churches to stay closed. This was unconstitutional. The churches were opened only when the county was threatened with lawsuits. Can you imagine a city without the organization of church for spiritual and community assistance? These leaders should be held accountable.

Unconstitutional mandates, mask mandate

1.Our local government charged fines to businesses that did not comply with its mandates. Restaurants were also in jeopardy for fines if a customer was not wearing a mask unless they were seated. The local business should have the freedom to make its own decision regarding its in-store policy.

2.Forcing people to receive the Covid 19 Vaccine when they did not want it, regardless of the reason, brought on consequences even to the point of losing jobs. Religious exemptions have been denied. It is a citizens right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to be allowed to decide for health reasons what they deem fit for their own bodies. It should be their choice for their health. We have seen this health freedom taken away. Local government is so very important. Our Constitution was written as a reminder to never let the government control citizens inherent rights.

In Hillsborough County we need fiscal responsibility and accountability

1. In Hillsborough County, the City of Tampa is offering bonus pay to city employees who get a vaccine ($2,500). We have a $6.7 billion budget, yet we still have road issues, potholes, flooding, traffic, water pressure issues, etc. What is the priority? Let’s be smarter with our dollars.

2. The people of Hillsborough County were overtaxed over half a billion dollars. This according to the Supreme Court of Florida. The court stated that the tax misleads the people who voted for it. The tax was designed to only help a small portion of the county with a railway. It also would not solve the large traffic issue that faces us with I-275. A burdensome 30-year tax to benefit a small percentage of people who would use the rail. This money needs to be returned to the residents of Hillsborough County.

3. Hillsborough County has the worst rated schools in Florida. The county is asking for more taxes for the school system when there has been so much mismanagement of resources. We need to stop wasteful spending and fix the current educational setback. Quality education for our students is essential for the future of Hillsborough County, the state of Florida and America.

4. Amid the rise of Inflation, the county desires to raise your taxes. They think they can spend it better than you. I disagree. We can be good stewards of our own money and vote on how we want them to spend our tax dollars.

5. We should provide tax incentives for our local business owners with the purpose of business growth. Incentives that will attract new businesses to the area as well.

I Will Bring Leadership Qualities and Experience to the Office

I am an Army Veteran, author, and servant leader. I have worked as a financial analyst for a multibillion-dollar corporation and also served as Associate Professor at LCU. I have touched many lives through my life of service as a licensed and ordained minister, pastoral counseling people that have life trauma, PTSD, drug and alcohol addictions. I have a great love for people and am involved in the community extensively. I have also been recognized by the Department of Corrections for assisting in its efforts to enhance the programs/services to inmates and offenders that promote behavioral changes, provide life skills as well as increase the successful reintegration into the community for inmates who have served their term. I have earned a BA from USC, a Masters and Doctoral Degree from LCU.

For more information https://donnacameroncepeda.com/ and also contact her via email vote@donnacameroncepeda.com