Brexit voters proved that people are tired of how government works, Trump hopes it for him today. We have complete coverage live here till it ends.
For Donald Trump to become the 45th president of the United States sometime in the next 24 hours he will need U.S. version of Brexit. But overcoming odds is nothing new for the most unconventional candidate for president in decades.
After launching an improbable bid for the White House, Donald Trump captured the 2016 Republican presidential nomination beating 16 party rivals. Two of those big name that Trump beat to capture the Republican nomination, included former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio.
The unconventional candidate has been underestimated just like those in the United Kingdom who wanted to drop out of the European Union. For a little history, Brexit (British exit) happened back in June 23, 2016, it was a referendum where British citizens voted to exit the European Union.
Trump thinks that what will happen in the U.S. is our own version of Brexit, where the country says it is time be anti-Washington. But for Trump to get the result he wants he needs a little help.
To pull off a Brexit like win he must take Florida, Ohio, Nevada, and Iowa, plus Colorado and North Carolina. While he currently has a reasonable chance of winning the first four. He has to pull off wins in both Colorado and Michigan.
The man who helped Brexit come true in the U.K., Ukip leader Nigel Farage has appeared on stage with Trump during the campaign. On the day after the U.K. voted to leave the European Union, the Republican nominee described Brexit as “beautiful” while on a visit to one of his Aberdeen shire golf courses.
He told his supporters: “We are going to go on Tuesday and are going to win. This is going to be Brexit plus.
“They don’t know what’s going to come. The lines are so long in Florida, maybe they do know what is coming and they are not happy about it.
“From now on it’s going to be America First. It’s time for change, it’s time for leadership”.
Trump understood the idea a populist message is what brought Brexit a win is all about a combination of strong on immigration reform, better trade deals, job creation, and taking down ISIS.
In the end why Brexit won was because voters felt like they were being overlooked and immigrates were taking their jobs. He has taped into their pain and their exhaustion with not getting ahead or seeing a bright future ahead.
If he can get that U.S. that kind of vote in some rust belt states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. Along with holding onto the South then we will see a President Trump and his big win just like they did in Britain.