Texas Theater To Show “Team America” Movie Instead of “The Interview”

Sony announced Wednesday that they are cancelling the premiere of The Interview in an unfortunate attempt to put a halt to the threats towards theaters willing to show the movie. So what are theaters around the country going to show on Christmas?

One Texas theater is going to show South Park creators’ Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s 2004 film Team America: World Police. The movie focuses on Kim Jong Il, the father of current North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un.

Creative Manager and Programmer at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema’s Dallas/Fort Worth location, James Wallace tells the Hollywood Reporter that the theater is just “trying to make the best of an unfortunate situation.”

The theater is also going to hand out American flags and other patriotic items during the showing.

Sony cancelled the movie yesterday and in a statement says “We respect and understand our partners’ decision and, of course, completely share their paramount interest in the safety of employees and theater-goers.”

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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