Michael Kors Says Teens Will Reject “Fast Fashion”

Designer Michael Kors says that today’s teenagers, whom social media has made more sophisticated and fashionable than any previous generation, will not be fans of fast fashion in a few years.

“This generation of teenagers is going to start shopping very differently when they reach their twenties — I think they’re going to have an aversion to the idea of disposable fashion,” Kors said Monday evening at a conference held by Women’s Wear Daily. “It’s a concept that today twentysomethings grew up on and I have a feeling that today’s teenagers with their sophistication aren’t going to buy into that. They’re likely to rebel because they don’t want to be like the generation before them, and will actually want to spend money on things that will last, and versatility and sustainability.”

Kors is the chief creative officer of his eponymous company, which went public in December 2011 — shares have soared ever since. Sustainability has been a hot topic in the retail world this year, particularly following disasters at factories in Bangladesh, and with a number of consumers questioning the hidden costs behind cheap fashion at chains such as H&M, Joe Fresh, and Forever 21.

Source: Buzz Feed

Melissa Salm:
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