Hannah Montana Are You Still In There?

Miley Cyrus’ career shot off when she became the teen idol on the popular Disney channel sitcom, Hannah Montana. The Hannah Montana franchise was quick to become Disney Channels best asset as well as Mileys’ earliest public image. The sweet southern ‘Miley Stuart’ that was portrayed in the show was the same persona that the public eye seen of the real Miley at only age 11.

Cyrus was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee so the acting and musical talents do not come as much of a shock. It also doesn’t hurt that her daddy, Bill Ray Cyrus, was a semi-successful musician himself with his 90’s hit “Achy Breaky Heart.” What was at question was, which direction would young Cyrus going with her career? And if the music industry, what type of artist would she herself grow to be?

It did not take long for Cyrus to earn her name in the entertainment industry. The Hannah Montana Franchise alone made her one of the the wealthiest and most well known teenagers in the world. She signed a recording contract with Disney and even had a signature hit, “7 Things I hate about you.” She starred in a blockbuster movie with Disney as well titled “Hannah Montana: The Movie.” She was a fun star to keep an eye on with so much success at such a young age. It was her breakout from the “Disney Image” that the public was waiting for, and boy did that day come!

The first moment that ‘sweet’ Miley started leaning towards ‘sexy’ Miley was when she released her hit “Party in the USA” in 2009. This catchy tune was not only a great car jam, but led to Cyrus saying “I am not Hannah Montana anymore!”

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/M11SvDtPBhA”]

Daisy dukes and “booty popping” is what stood out to many when they saw this video for the first time. Many parents caused a ruckus because this was not the Hannah Montana that their children ever so worshiped. But what could Disney do? Their little money maker was growing up fast.

If only these parents knew what was to come, they would have praised the star who danced on pick-up trucks in her cowboy boots.

It wasn’t long after this that Cyrus released her single “Can’t be tamed.” This was surely a different direction then anything she had done before. In the music video for this single you see Cyrus in an over sized birds nest twitching around wearing Gothic style clothing. This was definitely a defining moment in her fan base demographics. She lost many fans who admired the more humble Miley, and gained many who enjoyed her newer rebellious ambitions.

I assume Cyrus spent the next few years “finding herself” as they call it. She stayed somewhat low key for a while taking up small jobs. She spent much of her time with her Australian co-star Liam Hemsworth who, in 2012, became her fiancee. (Still life’s biggest confusion)

Later that year after her engagement to Hemsworth, Cyrus shocks the world once again by posting pictures to her twitter account of her ever so stylish new hair cut. The cut resembled that of Justin Bieber and Ellen Degeneres mashed together.

This was the first picture she released to the public through twitter:

It seemed that after this shocking style choice it all went downhill. With the new look came a brand new Miley, more rebellious and “untamed” as ever. She began posting vulgar pictures consistently grasping naked strippers or grabbing her crotch. Cyrus seemed to have lost any sense of filter when it came to posting her public opinion, making it very evident that she enjoys curse words. Meanwhile the biggest mystery of all still remains – that she is still engaged to the Australian hunk, Liam Hemsworth.

Her latest contribution to the public is her hit single “We can’t stop” which was just released earlier this month. Surprise, surprise the music video for this song is nothing less then mind blowing. The weirdness of the content in this video can not be described, but if this doesn’t scream “I do drugs!” then I am not sure what does.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/LrUvu1mlWco”]


So in the end we as the public are all left in the same boat feeling confused, slightly afraid, and uncomfortably entertained. Watching this young star transcend over the past decade has been a joy ride to say the least. Miley Cyrus has made it very clear that she is doing whatever her wealthy self pleases with her career and she wont let anyone or anything get in her way. All power to her, but we all can’t avoid that little question tip-toeing around our minds…

Hannah Montana, are you still in there?

Tiffany Skalski:
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