After six decades of destruction, spanning colossal brawls with otherworldly creatures from King Kong to King Ghidorah, with his radioactive breath and that iconic, window-rattling roar, the atomic-born creation is old enough to join the AARP.
But one achievement has eluded the mighty giant, even in the midst of his diamond anniversary tour.
He’s yet to star in a successful American-made movie that capitalized on his popularity, stayed true to his mythology and gave fans of all ages a feature film to treasure as much as the original Toho Studios productions.
That could change Friday with the release of Gareth Edwards’ “Godzilla,” a $160 million gamble that hinges on baby-boomer nostalgia for a creature born during one of the darkest periods in U.S. history.
For more on this story, visit John Allman (The Tampa Tribune)