The darkened land outside the Odeon welcomed godly duo Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston, with mere mortal, Natalie Portman on hand to, in Hemsworth’s words, ”Break up some of the godly testosterone of Thor and Loki.”
Pic, spiralling around a sinister sibling spat, aside from imminent universal destruction, caused Hemsworth to uncover a Thor-like resonance when dealing with real-life brotherly rivalries. “Neither of them have attempted to take over the universe just yet,” he said of brothers Liam and Luke, “but I think I’d have the same reaction if they did.
“To what extent is he redeemable, can he be brought back towards the light?” mused Tom Hiddleston, who has played Loki on screen three times. “It’s a very fun fault line to dance upon,” he said mischievously.
Source: Variety