Film Reveals Secret Mass Murder of Jews by Catholics in 1941

‘Aftermath’ Dares to Unearth Terrible Secrets of Poland’s Lost Jews


The most controversial film in the country’s history lands stateside on Nov. 1.

On July 10, 1941, half the residents of Jedwabne, a Polish village 85 miles northeast of Warsaw, murdered the other half. The mob, led by the mayor, were Catholics; their 1,600 victims were Jewish, slaughtered over several nightmarish hours with bats, knives, rifles and other improvised weapons. Those who survived the massacre were then rounded up in a barn donated by a local farmer, which was then set ablaze. A plaque erected at the site blamed Nazis for the massacre, but, in fact, Nazis had only authorized it. Locals walked by the plaque for half a century, knowing the truth, but saying nothing.

Source: Seth Abramovitch, The Hollywood Reporter