Entertainment Weekend: How to Avoid Summertime Sadness With Fresh Foliage!

(Photo/Michael Serio)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a form of depression that occurs around the same time every year, usually in the Winter. However, that doesn’t mean people can’t experience sadness on the reverse end, as a lack of vacation time and the end of school can make many people depressed. To combat summertime sadness, add these wonderful plants to your space.

What are the symptoms of SAD?

We feel down sometimes, that’s a natural part of life, but depression isn’t the same as sadness. If you have extreme sadness and you have the following symptoms, speak to your doctor.

  • Sleeping all the time, or trouble falling asleep.
  • Gaining weight or losing weight rapidly.
  • Appetite has changed to only crave starchy or sugary foods.
  • Feeling guilty or down most of the time.
  • Carrying on with daily tasks is difficult.
  • You either feel hopeless, irritable, tense, or stressed.
  • Avoidance behaviors for people, activities, and physical contact.

While foliage can aid some of the symptoms of SAD, it shouldn’t replace a doctor’s advice. 

How to Use Fresh Flowers to Combat Mild SAD?

For mild SAD, you can combat the most common reasons SAD occurs. A change in circadian rhythm, a lower production of melatonin and serotonin can contribute to summertime sadness. If you need flowers right away, order through Bouqs with their same-day flower delivery option.

Combat Circadian Rhythms: Jasmine, Aloe Vera, Snake Plants

The circadian rhythm refers to the natural fluctuation of bodily processes in most living things. Most people have a circadian rhythm that follows the sun rising and setting, but everyone is born different. 75% of adults with ADHD have delayed circadian rhythms, so instead of falling asleep at 11 pm and waking at 7 am, they prefer to sleep at 2 am and wake up at 10 pm.

People who are sensitive to the sun may need blackout curtains, earplugs, and an eye mask to fall asleep, but if you’re in the middle of fixing your schedule, jasmine, aloe vera, and snake plants can help. Each plant has soothing air purifying properties that help you fall asleep. Those three plants require little sun, minimal water, and less routine care to maintain optimal health.

Combat Low Melatonin: Lavender, Peace Lily, Gerbera Daisy

Melatonin is a hormone found naturally in our bodies, and we can’t regulate night and day cycles without it. Darkness helps produce more melatonin, as it signals the body to prepare for sleep, but what do you do if you sleep during the day or have insomnia? Purchase lavender, peace lilies, gerbera daisies and place them on your bedside table to witness their magic.

Lavender is a common ingredient in soothing lotions and baths because it helps reduce anxiety, but it also improves the quality and duration of sleep. Peace lilies break down formaldehyde and benzene to help deliver a more peaceful rest. Finally, the gerbera daisy has helped those who suffer from allergies and sleep apnea thanks to its ability to increase a room’s flow of oxygen.

Combat Low Serotonin: Rosemary, Rose, Boston Fern

Serotonin is the happy chemical in the brain that activates when we do something we enjoy or see people we love. People with low serotonin are more likely to experience bouts of depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. Adding any plant to your home can boost this chemical, but the sun is the best source of serotonin as vitamin D increases its production.

Open up the curtains and start a garden outside willed with rosemary, rose, and basil. Basil contains linalool, which improves mood simply by smelling it, rosemary’s sweet aroma can help you feel more positive, and roses provide comfort and happiness. Keep flowers and plants near your workspace, so your brain connects the two as a positive experience.

News Talk Florida: News Talk Florida Staff
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