Five Controversial Halloween Costumes

UPDATE: This story has been tracking well all month long, so we’re moving it back up to the site’s home page since its Halloween season. We hope you enjoy the comedy.

Originally Published August 25, 2015

Spirit Halloween recently released a Caitlyn Jenner costume mocking the former Olympic gold medalist’s appearance on the cover of Vanity Fair.

The Twitter-sphere went bananas in response to the costume potentially coining the phrase “trans people are not costumes”. Bookmark this moment in your brain should the phrase evolve into a constant refrain.

With the outcry over the Caitlyn costume fresh on everyone’s mind’s, here’s five potentially controversial costumes for Halloween 2015.

1. Caitlyn Jenner: Yes, the white bustier, shorts and a sash that says: “I am Caitlyn” openly mocks one of the biggest stories of the year. Truthfully, maybe it’s the costume model that fails to make this an attractive Halloween option. But, in regards to Twitter backlash: Are people really offended or was it a case of the non-offended not caring enough to comment or were they fearful of retribution?

We’ve come a long way from the Rockey Horror Picture Show haven’t we?

2. Rachel Dolezal: Someone will copy the photos of Dolezal, the former Spokane NAACP Chapter President, who was outed as a white woman — by her parents! Some outraged Twitter citizens have already targeted Caitlyn and Rachel as two of the year’s biggest personalities guaranteed to rankle politically-correct Halloween costume critics.

Is this Rachel Dolezal portrait a potential Halloween costume? Would someone dare to lug a tree along as an accessory?

3. Anchor Baby: You can see it now: Some overweight dude shows up at a party complete with a diaper, baby bonnet, rattle and anchor around his neck. It’s inevitable. BTW, what the heck is going on with the person in the white dress?


4. Jihadi John: We’re going to guess that Jihadi John has to be accompanied by an infidel in an orange jump suit. If you’re just considering this now, suffice it to say there are people ahead of you already.

5. Sexy Ebola Nurse: Admit it: The ebola outbreak in the U.S. had you scared. But would you have been as scared if the ebola unit of your local hospital had nurses like this? Ebola wiped out thousands in Africa. Do you really want to risk strolling into a party where someone might be offended? The real catch to this costume: It doesn’t say anything about a hole in the gas mask to sip drinks!

What costumes would you find offensive? And is Halloween a time for a sense of humor?

More Sexy Costume Options for Halloween!


Allison Leslie: Allison Leslie is a University of South Florida graduate with a bachelors degree in Mass Communications. She joined Genesis in 2016. With a passion for sports, Allison has interned with 620 WDAE, Pewter Report, Trifecta Team: St. Petersburg Bowl, Bullscast, and many other publications. Being a native to the Bay Area, she has followed and supported Tampa Bay teams her whole life.
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